The choice of the color palette should be faced only after having concluded a careful analysis of the target and competitors. Even better if a study of the brand's personality has been done. HOW MANY COLORS TO CHOOSE FOR THE WEBSITE? There is no maximum number of colors, but surely the first rule is not to overdo it. necessary to communicate exactly the sensations and atmosphere we want. In the case of a website it will be advisable to choose at least 1/2 primary colors , 1/2 secondary colors, 1/2 neutral colors. Neutral colors are typically used for text area backgrounds, while secondary colors draw more attention to certain areas or sections. The primary color is carefully dosed to clearly highlight the most important areas, such as links and buttons.
WHERE TO FIND INSPIRATION FOR YOUR photo retouching service COLOR PALETTE? In many projects, the choice of palette is already determined by previous choices, as in the case of restyling, or by technical needs or specific characteristics of the product. In other cases we start from scratch. How then to select the colors? MAKE A MOOD BOARD By being guided by market analysis and the study of brand personality, you can initially create a moodboard starting from a search for images on Pinterest or directly on Google. The search can start from keywords related to brand values or product characteristics. Often already in this first phase of brainstorming recurring colors emerge, which you can select and insert in the palette. FIND THE COLOR PALETTE FROM AN IMAGE If during your search you discover an image,whose color combination would be perfect to express the atmosphere you would like on your site, you are on horsebac.
There are some online tools that allow you to get a color palette from an image. HD Rainbow is a free and very easy to use tool just upload a photograph and the dominant colors of the photograph are automatically detected. Adobe Color is much more complete and among other functions it also allows you to obtain different palettes from the same photograph, depending on the liveliness and brightness of the colors. Coolors is also an excellent tools and allows you to obtain different palettes starting from the same image, depending on the different position of the source points, and to choose the number of colors to select. If you want, you can also export the collage from the chosen photo.