The chevron colour is taken from the beer colour. The Chevron colour watermark comes up from the main can below. This is the benefit of a fully printed can, you can design all the way up to the lid. That said, you don’t want to overdo it because that’s the last thing people see when they take a sip, so over-designing the top area is usually not a good idea. The top half of the can is Black (Black Hops Blue Black) and we dedicate a good chunk to that colour because it’s our unique brand. The logo is just the can substrate shining through.
We used our main Black Hops Brand identity here without image manipulation service much change but we also used some sharper mesh elements in some places while aiming to keep it simple. We have a chevron watermark of sorts behind the main Black Hops logo and the mesh element sits under the main line separating the Black and the beer colour (in this case yellow). The little down arrow from the Black into Yellow gives us a of a point of difference from the normal colour on dark (or light) cans and also serves as the bottom of the chevron watermark.

I think this helps it look like a Black can. We also have a slim silver element between the black and the can colour just to bring in the grey from our logo and make it a bit distinct from the normal dark and coloured 2-tone can, which has become very common. It’s tough to make a core range product that stands apart from others, but I think DKNG Design did a great job of bringing our existing great assets to life in our new core range cans. If business results are anything to go by, the design has certainly worked.