Nothing kills productivity like waking up on the wrong side of the bed. Logo design by PFM Studio for Wake Cafe. The way you start your morning sets the tone for the rest of the day, and it can determine whether you’ll have a productive day tackling household projects or spend the day wrapped up in a fuzzy blanket watching Netflix. So why not start it off in a way that sets you up for success? Instead of hitting the snooze button and sleeping until the last possible second, wake up an hour earlier and give yourself time to ease into the day. Create a morning routine that makes you feel fulfilled and excited to start the day. Some things you might want to add to your morning routine include: Exercise.
It’ll give you a rush of endorphins that will not only make you feel great, but can also help you better prioritize tasks – a key to being more productive. Meditate. Taking just a few minutes to meditate in the morning can lower stress levels, making it easier to get more accomplished throughout the workday. Write in a journal. Journaling can background remove service help you process your thoughts and create a plan to most efficiently get through the day. Do whatever it is that makes you feel engaged, but do it every day. Starting off the day with purpose will help you go through the rest of the day with purpose.

By kicking the day off with a burst of productivity, you’ll get into a rhythm of being productive—and as a result you’ll get a ton more done as the day goes on. What’s your productivity pick-me-up? — The New Year is a great excuse to overhaul your habits and become a better and more productive version of yourself. And with these tips, you’re well on your way to seriously boost your productivity at work and at home and reaping the benefits as a result. What are your best productivity hacks? Tell us in the comments below.