Resources and the occasional promo which you can opt-out of anytime. Get the ebook! By completing this form, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the apply. If your project is a sales brochure for cabins nestled in the leafy woods of New England, a gloss-coated paper stock is probably aesthetically too slick for the marketing message. Similarly, if the project is a one-time use, four-page program for a three-hour psychology seminar, stamping the front cover in a metallic foil leaf is overkill and an unnecessary expense.
Trave guide design Design for a New Zealand travel image manipulation service guide by Neal2607. But let's say that the attendees of that psychology seminar are given a 136-page book of every speech made at the event. The sheer length of the book mandates that only certain types of binding be considered (like perfect-binding, which features aa square, glued spine) instantly eliminating other binding options, such as saddle-stitching (two staples inserted thru the spine), which cannot physically handle that number of pages.

When the seminar event planners decide to mail a save-the-date postcard for next year's event they must be sure to avoid printing it on 100 lb. text weight paper stock, which is too light to meet postal regulations. Being aware of the specification options, both aesthetic and logistical, allows you to create a piece that is appropriate for the needs of the project, while also considering ensuring that the result is high-quality, cost-efficient, on-time and implementable. Should you go digital or offset A Hewlett Packard Indigo digital press A Hewlett Packard Indigo digital press.