The impact of the crisis is reflected in the survey prepared by Sage, which shows that 56% of Spanish SMEs have partially or totally suspended their activity during the alarm period. Specifically, 37% of small and medium-sized companies Buy Bulk SMS Service suspended activity, while 19% did so temporarily during that period. This partial or total suspension has affected the turnover of these organizations. In fact, 36% of Spanish SMEs have seen their income reduced during the Buy Bulk SMS Service period and 20% have not generated any income during that time. On the other hand, 25% of SMEs did not see their activity affected during confinement and 13% have increased their activity during this period, which is reflected in the survey in the 25% of SMEs that have not seen their activity reduced.
Billing, and even that they have increased it while the state of alarm was in force. By sectors, the Sage survey indicates Buy Bulk SMS Service the areas that have seen their activity increase the Buy Bulk SMS Service most have been professional services (consultancies and legal services), Buy Bulk SMS Service this increase has not been reflected in their turnover, with a reduction of one 10%. The sector that has decreased the most during the state of alarm has been the hotel industry, with a drop of 90% . And by geography, Catalan SMEs have decreased by 36% compared to those in Madrid, which have experienced a drop of 43%.
The use of car-sharing services is also being affected: more than 40% say they will use it less or not at all, while 30% say they will use their own OPINIONBy Miguel Angel Marin YuberoBUSINESSES AND COMPANIES07-28-2020 Buy Bulk SMS Service exceptional experiences in the new digital world Tags banking banorte customer service experiences Miguel Angel Marin Yubero ACL Buy Bulk SMS Service We know about Relational Marketing We are experts in loyalty and incentives We like to create unique experiences ACL DirectPromo We know about Relational Marketing We are experts in loyalty and incentives We like to create unique experiences Worldwide we are going through an unprecedented historical fact, organizations need to quickly change their business models, and it is more important than ever to listen to customers and employees.