Be sure to pay attention to the statements they use. It will usually differ from the statement you use. For example. If you sell coffee machines online. Your customers may search for comparisons of specific coffee machines. Advance learning 10 free keyword research tools how to use google keyword planner 6 best seo keyword research tools 4 ways to find undiscovere keywords 6 keyword research tips part 3 how to analyze keywords it’s good to have tons of keyword ideas. But how do you know which one is best? by hand is nearly impossible. The solution is simple: use seo metrics and data to narrow down and separate them before creating content on these topics.
Here are five keyword metrics you can use to do this. Search France WhatsApp Number Data volume clicks _ traffic potential keyword difficulty cost per click (cpc) popularity search volume tells you the average number of times a keyword is searche for each month. For example. There are approximately 40.000 monthly searches for “moka pot” in the unite states. There are three things to note about this value: it's the number of searches. Not the number of people searching. In some cases. Someone may search for a keyword such as "Weather in singapore" multiple times a month. These will increase the search volume. And it may even be the same people searching. It doesn’t tell you how much traffic you will get by ranking.
Even if you rank no. 1. The number of clicks for a keyword will rarely excee 30% of that number. If it excees. Then you are really in luck. This is an annual monthly average. If there were 120.000 keyword searches in december and no keyword searches in the remaining 11 months. The monthly search volume would be 10.000 (120.000/12 months) in any report in keywords explorer you will see a search volume filter setting: this filter is useful in two main ways: filter out a large number of keywords. If your site is new. You probably won’t want to filter out keywords with more than 100.000 searches per month. As they can be very competitive.