Skin moisture improved, but not to a statistically reportable degree. This recent clinical trial, on the other hand, gave groups of women aged 40-65 in France and Japan an increased dose—10g—of hydrolyzed marine collagen daily for eight weeks. Results were positive, and included not only improved elasticity, but a higher statistically reportable moisture content. So if you do believe in collagen supplements, you need to pay close attention to the dosage. That’s key. “With type I & III collagen, you really need to consume 6g at a time to be effective,” says Joyce Longfield.
Related Read: Internal Affairs. The Collagen Boosting Diet Experts Beauty AME Respond to Recent Studies In response to the above referenced studies, experts asked: yes, we see collagen going in, but is it the collagen making the difference? How closely were participants’ diets controlled? What was their water and alcohol intake like? Corina Chrysler, nutritionist and co-founder of Gilson Din Skin Nutrients, told us, “Elasticity would be the main objective when taking a collagen supplement. Hydration could come from many other things, even the time of year. I feel more data is needed, as there is a lot of clinical work that suggests it doesn’t work due to the structure of collagen and its bio-availability. Glyodin Skin Nutrients anti-aging supplement focuses in hyaluronic acid, omega-3s and other boosting supplements, rather than actual collagen.

Says Anole, I find it interesting that studies are being done to explore the possibility of collagen supplements enhancing skin. Of course I am open to anything that helps our skin, but because I am a doctor basing my skin care on science and evidence, I want more evidence than I’ve seen so far.” This seems to be the clincher for Dr. Anole: “I’d be more influenced if a study could in some way tag or label the supplement consumed and have that tag be found in large concentrations in the new skin. Coming from the perspective of someone who uses collagen to build healthy muscle, Joyce Longfield notes, Metabolism studies show that the average person requires 8g of protein for the anabolic process of protein synthesis to begin in our bodies.