本帖最後由 mostakimvip03 於 2022-10-23 07:59 編輯
With the help of the project I wanted to show these characters and ask the audience questions Who is this person What is his life like Does he have the same fears joys anxieties and dreams as I do The world of Room was created entirely from the desire to showcase the beauty of people marginalized in everyday life and give them expressiveness in an unconventional context. Another photo project by Rappo is called Modern Family Modern Family. Together with Soon Magazine he decided to create a new story based on Room. There was little time for preparation and only one day for shooting in limited locations. Rappo was pleased with the result although he admits that this work reflects his universe to a lesser extent than other series.
Another genre that will captivate the photographer is the e-commerce photo editing portrait. With all his hobbies naked women remain his favorite topic in his work. You simply have to photograph what you love and I love women's bodies Stefan Rappo admits.Comedies watched to holes on videocassettes that have stood the test of time. Decades later jokes are still laughable and witty dialogues are worth quoting. The s and s were the time of the birth of unique comedy duets actors whose mere participation in the film was a sign of quality. Comedies were shot by firstclass directors who were not afraid to take risks for whom the comedy genre was no less interesting and complex than a serious dramatic movie.

The comedies of that time are still laughed at not because the trees were greener but because each scenario was subjected to serious study. All the characters were verified the jokes were carefully selected. For the action comedy True Lies James Cameron hired a whole team of writers to make the script funny. As a result the director rejected all the jokes leaving only a few and rewrote the script himself from scratch. The directors unconditionally believed in their projects they were ready to literally fight for the film. Who will remember now that Back to the Future could not have taken place at all since its authors director Robert Zemeckis and screenwriter Bob Gale received. Pictures were taken with a minimum budget of million as was the case with the comedy A Fish Called Wanda to earn a hundred million at the box office.