Stagnating with your approach you will see an increase in your websites bounce rate and a decrease in online conversions. In the B2B guide you will be asked to make your website content engaging. One way to do this is to add videos to your blog section. Kerryn Gamble Image taken from a Strikingly users site Readers wont just look at the number of lines youve written or your grammar. They will also review the content you used to support your argument. By including videos as part of your website content you can make it trustworthy and credible in the eyes of readers. Strikingly lets you add YouTube videos to your website. However you must post your video to your YouTube channel as you cannot upload videos directly to a Strikingly website
Share valid content In this guide to website content. As we jewelry retouch service said in the previous point video content is extremely important in conveying your companys message to your audience. Likewise content in written form is also extremely important for your online business. When we talk about website content we are talking about necessary content. All content that is part of your business website should have some kind of meaning. For example you cant have a business idea related to ice cream and spend your time talking about a barbecue in your blog section. Strikingly lets you add a blog section as part of your eCommerce website.

In the blog section you can share your experience related to the products you promote or sell. You can also recycle some of the old content and integrate it into your website by improving it. Also remember to implement relevant search engine optimization SEO strategies on old content. Checklist to optimize your SEO Image taken from Strikingly 7. Create a professionallooking website If you want to see an evolution in your B2B eCommerce plans it is important that you create a professional website. Once you have selected the right website builder you can customize the website design according to your business idea. Once you are done with the web design you can start adding all the relevant content to your business website.