Do products with good experience must sell well? Not really. "how is this possible? With so many product books, which one doesn't say that user experience comes first, don't be alarmist! Experience first is indeed a golden rule for Internet products. However, let's put the problem back into the hardware realm to think about. You will eventually find out: the experience-first principle does not apply. We take the three hardware categories of smart speakers, headphones, and drones as examples to make a comprehensive analysis.
Three cases against common sense 1. Smart speakers: why the best experience doesn't sell the best Smart speakers are the smart hardware that has received the most attention Phone Number List in China since 2017. The four giants of Xiaomi, Ali, Baidu and Tencent took turns. When it comes to smart experience and word of mouth, Xiaomi's Xiao Ai has certain advantages; when it comes to sound quality, Tencent Ting Ting has the highest price and the most confidence. However, in terms of sales, the Fangtang smart speaker from the Tmall camp is unmatched.

In the week after its release on May 9, the product sold 260,000 units with its ultra-low price (original price 199, member price 89). Of course, the experience of Tmall sugar cubes is not bad, but the low price is the key factor for it to surpass its peers. In the field of smart speakers, "good experience must sell well", this view cannot stand. Some people may say that it is not cheap. The low price is sure to sell well! Is it, it is not. Price and sales are not necessarily related.