Numerous studies have been carried out on the click-through rates obtained by each of the positions in Google's natural results (read our summary article What to remember from the various studies on click-through rates? ). Some have even been able to look, precisely, at the CTRs observed in France , or even at the impact of Adwords . Today, the Synodiance agency is delivering a study that explores new ground, focusing on mobile click-through rates, and also the impacts of enriched results .
The period analyzed extends from August to October 2015, and covers more than 82,000 keywords on desktop, and more than 70,000 keywords on mobile, representing more than 265 million impressions, and more Denmark Phone Number than 38 million clicks on Google Unexpected results The study was thus able to compare the click-through rates observed on mobile with those on desktop. The result is unexpected. Click rate (in %) observed by position (from 1 to 10) on desktop (in blue) and on mobile (in red). The click-through rates are therefore almost the same on mobile and desktop.

We checked several times, because it surprised us,” admits Yann Sauvageon, SEO specialist at Synodiance, who carried out the study with his colleague Solène Logiou. Indeed, the different interface on mobile could have resulted in different click-through rates, perhaps more focused on the top results due to a smaller display. It is not so, the two interfaces lead to the same CTR ery marked changes since 2013 In addition, Synodiance had already carried out a study on click-through rates in 2013 .