This is the question (and the challenge) posed by the Phileas agency (formerly Studio T ) when the Le Faillitaire brand , a franchise specializing in the low-cost sale of new furniture, lounges and bedding from bankruptcies , bankruptcy filings, end of series , destocking and factory series, asked them to tackle a new visual identity for the brand's forty stores. A bet that the agency has taken up brilliantly by achieving a modern identity, clear and resolutely different from the old one.
The new logo of Le Faillitaire Changing the "discount" to "low-cost", this is the solution established by Phileas to modernize communication, with a round logo, a contemporary typo and a small label "Dealez malin" which is embedded in the various communication media. of the brand. The new store fronts A ".com" comes to complete the jewelry retouch service modernization by announcing a website which should become commercial in a very short time. Farewell to the red devil that accompanied the company until now, it is now a serious identity that is being put in place, with exterior and interior redesign of the stores, revised architecture and shelving, and 4 spaces staged according to the rooms of the house.

A long-awaited and hoped-for rejuvenation, which should allow the franchise to expand further. In the meantime, the first two stores to benefivian and the Anglo-Saxons, to name a few, granr the International Gastronomy Fair. New Valencia Romans Agglo logo The comics we love:the grapheine selection The masts are dead, long live the masts! The privatization of language Graphic designer: the best job in the world? Newsletter Leave us your email and receive your monthly dose of Graphéine in your mailbox. E-mail Paris Agency Graphéine Pari.