Coming up with a goal and writing a plan is the easy part. But completing all the items on time, overcoming unexpected obstacles and problems, is a completely different story. We have collected the main reasons why you can’t achieve your goals, and some useful tips from our free online course “ What prevents us from achieving our goals .”
The goal was not formulated
"I want to succeed", "I dream of becoming a professional", "I will earn a lot" - these are desires or dreams, but not clearly defined goals. After all, for someone to be successful means launching their own project, and for another success means writing their own book. The clearer and more specific the goal, the easier and faster you will achieve it. You can formulate the goal like this: "I want to become a senior specialist", "I want to take a refresher course", "I want to increase my income by 20% next year".
Unrealistic goal
The goal of becoming a blogger with a million-strong audience on YouTube by the end of the year is unrealistic if you don’t have your own channel and don’t know how to shoot social media marketing service videos. Most likely, you’ll give up after a couple of months, having only gained 50 subscribers. You need to take small steps to achieve your big dream. A realistic goal would be to learn how to shoot and edit videos, think through a promotion strategy, and develop a content plan.
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Too many targets
The more goals you have, the slower you will reach the result. Identify several priority goals for yourself, on which you will work twice as hard to achieve what you want. Remember that multitasking can often only slow down processes. So it is better to focus on one thing and step by step move towards your big dream.
Lack of planning
Any goal requires development and action planning. If you do not think through each subsequent step that will help you gradually achieve what you want, then most likely the goal will not be realized. For example, you want to get a promotion at work, then the plan may be as follows: take training courses, take on more responsible tasks, get good results and present them to the manager.
Failure to anticipate obstacles
In the process of implementing any goal, problems and obstacles almost always occur, especially if the task is large and complex. Therefore, the ability to take into account possible problems in advance and think through a plan B will help you stay on track and achieve the desired result with a higher probability.
What is important to remember: formulate your goals so that they are simple and clear, weigh your strengths and take on only those tasks that you can implement. Do not try to do everything at once, it is better to make every effort to achieve one dream. Plan each step taking into account possible problems and unforeseen obstacles.