Famous Campaigns famouscampaigns Formerly known as PRExamples Famous Campaigns tag line is Inspiration. Creativity. Branded Brilliance and thats exactly what it showcases. Like Digital PR Examples its a great place to see some of the best the industry has to show. Jessica Pardoe jessicapardoePR Jessica has a PR and Communications blog which won her a top place in Vuelios rankings for PR Blogs. She is one of those people in PRComms who you should follow of the latest thing on the scene.
The Relatable PR PrRelatable As PR girls this is the type of account that is frequently shared between us at Girls in Marketing. It is one of the most honest accounts that Furniture and Fixtures Manufacturers Email List shows the BTS life as a PR specialist and lets you know that youre not the only one going through something. Its a lighthearted take on some reallife PR. Emailers you dont want to miss One of the best things about PR.
The is that there are so many great things happening all at once. In this industry there are always people building up others giving them a shoutout and highlighting some amazing work. Below are just three emailers that youll want to see in your inbox for inspiration and insight. The Weekly PR by Bethanie Dennis Published and emailed every Tuesday The Weekly PR is a curation of some of the best Digital PR campaigns and articles for you to catch up on.