Salespeople who adopt an inbound marketing strategy no longer have to look for their customers themselves. It is the job of Marketing which must attract the attention of the buyer on the Internet, during their purchase considerations. The salespersons job has changed. He now spends his time speaking with contacts who show great interest in the company, its products and services. To add even more colors to this beautiful picture,
Salespeople are madly in love with Inbound Marketing because this Mexico Phone Number Data strategy allows them to precisely measure the maturity of prospects using Lead Scoring . The higher the Lead Scoring, the more mature the prospect. To learn more about Lead Scoring and put it into practice, click here This ensures salespeople dont waste time making meetings with cold prospects. Personally, as a salesperson, I love the idea. Not you ? . With Inbound Marketing, salespeople become valued guides Salespeople who deal with Leads from the Inbound Marketing methodology do not seek to sell at all costs, but seek to help Leads resolve their problems.

Remember that this is the prospect who found you online and already has a lot of information about your business, the market, prices, your competition etc. You are therefore approached by Leads as an expert on your products and services. Its up to you to advise rather than sell. It is this approach that will create the foundation of a strong and lasting customer relationship. So use your expertise to be selective and only sell to Leads who are in your target range and for whom your products and services will be perfect. This will give you the opportunity to create a relationship of trust with your customers.