Many companies are taking their responsibility with society seriously, not only through solidarity, if not, more important, creating tools that benefit us from the citizens' collective. I have been especially attracted to the profits that we can give you the big data, because it is easy to find opinions about the possible invasion of intimacy or the detriment that companies have too many data about us, but it is not so common to find examples of a responsible and social use of this technology. Thank you very much for the article, it has been very illustrative. Act to answer Ikerne Jauregui Hello Mercedes, I answer your questions, trying to contribute another vision I hope that complementary.
Do you think we are really facing the consolidation Denmark WhatsApp Number Data of a new social company model? Yes and no. Yes, it is true that more and more companies are seen that support beneficial, environmental and social causes. But sometimes it seems to me that they forget what should be in the first place: its workers. Companies that support large causes and then have poor quality contracts, low salaries and strenuous schedules. Society increasingly demands a certain social responsibility for companies and it seems that the big causes are more striking and sell more. I hope that little by little in this evolution, there are more companies that also look towards "inside" when they make that "social effort".

Do you think that Big Data will favor the consolidation of new business monopolies? And like all new tools, it gives new opportunities to both new entrepreneurs or small companies and large companies. It is a matter of creativity and access to data. I think the key is that the data does not fall only into the hands of a few. It is necessary that transparency policies be established as well as standardization in the data so that they are available to everyone. However, it is also true that it is the large companies that have the ability to invest in investigating new lines, services or products that take the most of this new tool.