Data science is the tool that deals with this wealth and it is the basis for all modern fields such as machine learning deep learning natural language processing computer vision and many others. In this article we discussed the applications of data science in six important areas but the applications and uses of data science are limitless and are present in almost everything around us. everyone expects it to have a major role in almost all fields within a few years and this is because of the benefits and capabilities that this technology can offer us.
A few years ago no one had heard of this relatively new technology but it began to attract attention with the rise of Bitcoin which became very present in the news and daily conversations. Altho Belgium WhatsApp Number Data ugh digital currencies led by Bitcoin have changed and will change our reality the impact of the mother technology Blockchain will be much greater and this was the reason that prompted us at Al-Rabehun to write this article about the most prominent applications and uses of Blockchain. In this article we will talk about the most prominent applications of Blockchain technology many of which are now being used whether this is in a government manner or especially by startups giant companies or even major universities in the world. WHAT IS BLOCKCHAIN .

TECHNOLOGY but we can simplify it as a system consisting of a series of blocks connected to each other that act as ledgers to record any change or process that occurs. When any operation or change is made in one of these blocks the other blocks must confirm the validity of this operation otherwise this operation will be considered rejected.