The share of mobile traffic, in the total traffic generated, has started to increase in recent years due to the technological advance in networking and the increase in mobile internet speed, but also due to the fact that online stores have invested in mobile versions and in native applications that facilitate navigation for users. In 2019, 63.6% of sales were made from mobile and only 36.4% from desktop, according to a GPeC study . Responsive websites and native apps were the only viable solutions for website developers to optimally display online store content on mobile phones. Native apps are built specifically for a specific operating system (iOS, Android, etc.) and are created to be integrated into the operating system and use its applications (camera, GPS, etc.). They are fast and have high performance, providing a good browsing experience to the user. They have higher development costs, but bring a higher interaction rate than the simple mobile version of a site.
PWA is an alternative to native apps that comes with lower development costs than native apps, but retains the benefits, look and feel of these apps. The PWA is very fast and will load the site on your users' devices in about a second, allow them to browse and order offline, and can be downloaded and accessed on mobile phones regardless Phone Number Data of their operating system (Android, iOS, etc.) What is a PWA? PWA or Progressive Web App is a technology , which appeared in 2015, that allows the construction of native-like web applications (applications written in the programming language specific to the platform on which they run), using popular languages such as JavaScript, HTML and CSS. Although it's been around for a few years, this technology has only recently started gaining popularity after several big brands made the transition to PWAs due to the countless benefits it brings to mobile browsing.

Basically, this technology allows you to have a site with online store functionality, but which has the feeling and functionality of a mobile application when browsing on your phone . of the user to an informative pop-up. See below the example of Aboutyou.ro – An international online store that brings together more than 700 top fashion brands. Features of a PWA Store mobile applications offer a more pleasant browsing experience and record a higher engagement rate than their (responsive) web versions. Progressive Web Application can make your site behave and look just like one of those native applications, but at a lower implementation cost than if you were to build a native application from scratch.