That is, they collect data differently. Universal's measurement model is based on visits and sends information in hits, of up to 4 types: page views, events, transactions (or e-commerce hits) and time. In GA3, the majority of hits are page views: the original ones, the rest of the types have been added over time as web and app technology has evolved.
You have to realize that a measurement model Phone Number List from 2005 is being applied to websites from 2022. On the other hand, GA4 sends the information in events ; that have associated parameters with extra data related to them. This model is much simpler, which has a series of advantages when, for example, combining interactions to create segments or audiences.

Thus, when a mobile application sends information to Analytics, it sends events and their associated parameters. Likewise, when data is sent from a website they are also events and their associated parameters. Therefore, in GA4 we can see together the data flows that arrive from a mobile app and those that arrive from a website.