Another stage. There weren’t a lot of creative special effects used yet. That is of course until Bowie got into the mix.Photo Courtesy Michael Ochs ArchivesGetty ImagesBowie was already a creative legend but music videos gave him the chance to push boundaries even further. The opulent otherworldly clip cost than $425000 to make making it one of the most expensive music videos of all time.Gorillaz — “Feel Good Inc.2005if the mid2000s had a theme song this would probably be it.
Feel Good Inc.” dominated international billboards as the lead single Belize WhatsApp Number of Gorillaz’s 2005 album Demon Days. You couldn’t get away from this funk rock banger back in the day; car commercials featurelength films YouTube AMVs Hot Topic — folks bumped this song everywhere.Photo Courtesy Suzi PrattWireImageGetty Images“Feel Good Inc.’s” music video is equally iconic. 2D Murdoc Noodle and Russel are surrounded by debauchery and pollution which makes you feel downright dirty from simply watching it.
Supersized projections of hip hop trio De La Soul cackle like madmen throughout the song to really sell “Feel Good Inc.’s” dystopic atmosphere. And yet the serene imagery that accompanies the chorus inspires hope — hope that people can ultimately improve society together. S“Hotel Portofino” Review New PBS Masterpiece Packs Drama Mystery And Escapism S“Trigger Point” Review New AdrenalineFueled Series At Peacock From The “Line Of Duty” Team SThe Top Reasons To