本帖最後由 Ftimran 於 2022-8-14 18:25 編輯
Expectations that we won't be able to meet. We're afraid our friends and family will be resentful or jealous, and that the responsibility that comes with success will overwhelm us. In other words, our vivid imaginations talk us out of doing the things we need to do in order to succeed, just so we can avoid unexpected change. Remember these things to fight back against the fear of success: Change comes whether you succeed or fail. Why not succeed? Babe Ruth held the home run record and the strikeout record simultaneously. Keep swinging for the fences. You own your labor, not the fruits of your labor. Do what you love and don't worry about the consequences. Fear of Rejection Our fear of rejection is the most obvious and overt of all the influences that keep us from writing.The high incidence of alcohol and drug abuse among those who seek the writing
life can often be traced directly back to the simple fear that our Country Email List work is not good enough, and that a rejection of it is a rejection of us. How do we avoid our fear of rejection? Easy, we don't do anything. That may be one way to solve the problem, but it leads to an unfulfilled life and self-destructive tendencies. Remember, you'll never please everyone. You only have to find and please your audience. Treat writing as an exercise. The fact that you can't bench press 300 pounds today doesn't make you less of a person, but you can work towards it, right? Feed on rejection. Make it your own ,and put it to work for you to become better and stronger. Fear of Mediocrity Writer Dorothy Parker couldn't meet a deadline to save her life, because she said for every five words she wrote, she erased seven.
Our fear of mediocrity manifests itself as perfectionism, and perfectionism prevents us from simply putting things out there and resolving to get better over time. With that approach, we fail to achieve anything at all. Right now, if I think about it, I'll realize that this article is never going to be good enough, no matter how long I spend on it. In fact, what the hell am I doing writing a blog anyway? Is this what I was put on this planet to do? Then I take a deep breath, and move on to the tips for dealing with the fear of mediocrity. No one will ever be perfect, so let it go. Action beats inaction every time .Accomplishing anything feels better than accomplishing nothing.