You can do informal research: ask friends and family how life is going. Most people will certainly say something like “I'm going, no, how is life: I'm working a lot!”, or “I'm working like crazy”, or even “I don’t stop for a second”, things like that. Judging by these statements, Brazilians generally work non-stop. But here comes another question, much more delicate: will all this work bring adequate results? Or rather, is it productive? Only those who take productivity indicators very seriously can respond appropriately, applying them to their own daily lives, or to the daily life of the organization in which they work. The rest will be based on the chutometer.
Because it's a fact: what you see most out there is work that leads to nothing. Or that it doesn't make much difference to a company's real goals. So much so that, recently, a survey carried out by Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV ) shows that Brazil is not doing very well when it comes to productivity at work. According to Phone Number List the research, a Brazilian employee produces, on average, US$16.80 per hour worked. This result places us in 50th position, on a list that analyzed 68 countries. To give you an idea, German workers (who occupy 5th place in the ranking) produce almost four times more than Brazilians (US$64.40), working around 340 hours less.
The Brazilian result may be linked to numerous political, social and economic factors that directly interfere in the daily lives of companies and the lives of employees. That's why it's important to closely monitor how your company is doing. In other words: pardon the pun, everything indicates that productivity indicators are more necessary than ever. And if you arrived at this post, you must be looking for those who can really optimize your “work rush”, giving it meaning and purpose.
Therefore, productivity indicators are part of KPIs. They are the tool you will use to evaluate whether investments and allocated resources are generating the expected results, in accordance with the objectives set and whether the processes are working efficiently. This way, managers can identify opportunities , which can be an advantage; and failures, which bring losses.
First steps: planning goals and setting tasks
You may already know that, as a leader, a crucial part of your job is to encourage people to work on what really makes a difference. It's understanding which types of tasks are a priority in the whirlwind of daily demands.
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Productivity indicators are specific to each business, that is, if you want to measure your results and the efficiency of your team, you need to choose the factors that are most relevant to your company. An advertising agency will then take into account the number of pieces or campaigns that are created or delivered per month; a digital marketing agency the number of ebooks, social media posts and landing pages created per month; and a technology company the number of websites developed, tickets resolved or applications delivered per month. Likewise, it is possible to establish that XX hours per week must be invested in a specific client per team.