How Facebook Completely Destroyed My Productivity
A few weeks ago, I surveyed LiveMentor students on the issue of productivity. I wanted to know what was really blocking them and preventing them from being productive.This is also the question we asked you during the first lesson. Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond!! Throughout your answers, I found the problems related to concentration, the organization of your calendar, the art of prioritizing... And many of you agreed on one point: social networks are a chasm, on which we spend HOURS every day. When you don't feel productive and you take stock at the end of the day , it is difficult to explain the causes of this inefficiency.You feel tired, but how do you know if the day has been impacted by A lack of organization of his calendar Poor prioritization A lack of anticipation…? On the other hand, if there is one thing that is certain, it is the time we have spent on social networks.With this aftertaste of wasted time... For each problem there is a solution. I Mobile Phone Number have isolated four issues and I share with you the tools of our mentors through practical cases. The outline of this article: I) Networks are the heart of my activity: it's normal that I spend my day there, isn't it? II) I use Facebook Business Manager and I struggle III) I spend too much time onI'm thinking of Paula, our favorite.
Community Manager and mentor from our Instagram training. She manages the Instagram account of the elegant presenter Cristina Cordula. Paula started her Instagram from scratch and today she has over 600,000 fans… Before meeting Paula, I was convinced that she had to spend all her day on the networks . Even though her job is to search for inspirational accounts, to work on her content, to publish, to respond to the thousands of Cristina fans… Paula manages to control the time she spends on Instagram. So I asked him to share 3 recommendations with us,to optimize the time spent on the networks: PREPARE THE CONTENT AND PHOTOS TO BE PUBLISHED IN ADVANCE . What you should not do is program nothing and do everything drop by drop.