The reactions to the posts are actually
content on social media channels regularly and use all typesof content – longer or shorter, video, reels, text, image, live. Make sureyou put the quality of your content first. Activate your target audienceInteracting with your audience helps you build loyalty and trust in yourbusiness. For this, you can encourage the audience to react: initiate polls,organize contests, offer discounts or organize events. Got a negative review?It doesn't delete the comment, it turns the event into an opportunity. Even ifyou think you are moving away from the desired 5 stars, or that there will beother consumers who doubt your brand, negative reviews are not negativepublicity, but an opportunity to communicate with your audience. The way youreact in such situations can gain
your audience's trust. If the objections are real, take a Italy WhatsApp Number Data stand, improve, and then you will only have satisfied customers. Build audienceloyalty You have managed to attract customers - once you have won them over, itis important to keep in touch - to respond to their messages, comments, butalso to connect with people who, excited about what you do, share about yourbusiness in social media, without having an interest. How can you find them?Simple, by following the hashtags that refer to your company. Plus, getting arepeat customer to make a sale is cheaper than acquiring a new customer. So thecommunity management part is extremely important.what we want, that's why it is recommended to have a
designated person to keep in touch with the members of thecommunity that is formed around the brand. PRO TIP: It is also useful to have amanual of crisis situations, in which you can already establish possibleobjections and responses to them. The article is part of the series of bestpractices in social media . If you found good ideas for your business,implement them immediately and let us know what results they brought you. Targetaudience for social media. Why write content with a clear persona in mind It isimportant to know your target audience, to understand on which social mediachannels they are present most often and what types of content they areinterested in. by Liliana May 4, 20233 minutes story seeker article socialmedia target audience Identify