manager you can select
So try to follow these tips first so that support is not put under an unnecessary burden. Facebook Ads Manager Payments Ad payments are made through a payment method that must be registered to the account before campaigns can be published . Credit cards can be stored but direct debits can also be selected. Billing and spending limits are set under the Billing menu item. Facebook Ad Reports You can use ad reports to evaluate the results of your advertisements. Similar to the advertising all relevant key figures that should appear in the report.An individual table is then generated with all the Phone Number List desired values for the selected period. This report can then be saved and downloaded . Facebook Ads Manager Here too a kind of template can be saved for ongoing reporting which can then be used again and again. Save the new reports with save as so that the template is not overwritten. Facebook Ads Manager Below the name of the report you will find information written in blue . If you click on this information you can choose to have a report sent regularly and automatically by email to the person responsible for the advertising account.
Facebook Ads Manager New call to action For further tips and answers on social media marketing please contact us. We would be happy to advise you in a free consultation. Frequently asked questions What are the advantages of Facebook Ads There are several advantages to running ads through Facebooks Ads Manager. You can reach a huge target group via Facebook and can permanently optimize your ads display them flexibly and receive valuable measurement data about your target group. Where are the invoices in Ads Manager You need to go to the Billing section in Business Manager.