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Financial data it is much more difficult to develop an appropriate company strategy and respond to changes in demand. That is why the ability to forecast sales is so important and in this article you will that are worth using in your business! Sales forecast – what is it E-commerce sales forecasting is the process of predicting the future revenue of products or services based on various business data. It is primarily used to make the right business decisions.Depending on in an effective forecast will allow among others: Development of a sales plan and its goals; Planning the company s budget e.g. for marketing phone number list activities; Choosing the right pricing strategy ; Developing various sales channels; Hiring and training employees e.g. customer service department. Variables in e-commerce sales forecast What internal and external factors should you consider when forecasting sales Here are a few of them: INTERNAL FACTORS.
The quality of customer service and customer experience at every point of contact and stage of the customer s experience with the company; Prices of products and services on offer; Time of order processing and delivery of goods to the customer; Communication within the company; Employee motivation and satisfaction level employee turnover; Number of employees employed; Marketing and sales activities and their scope; Distribution of goods; The degree of automation of processes in the company.