What do I invest my money in right now?
October is the month where you already have to be prepared for what is coming. The loss of our top seller has meant that we still have a large amount of liquidity without investing in the product. Not all of our assets are invested in products. We also have other assets. Investments outside the e-commerce business Below I detail what we are investing money in outside of the Amazon business. These are the most important positions. Real estate : without a doubt the largest position.Just this week the purchase of the fourth home was Phone Number List signed before a notary. Another step to have income when our retirement approaches. B2B loans : we have a very small part invested in Bondora . Every month it grows but at a slow pace. It is a more or less safe way with attractive interests. MarktMaat : It is part of one of the two own projects that I am setting up. It is an investment every month because it requires continuous development. Investor Tool : This is possibly my favorite topic at the moment.
I see a great future for the project of which I will be the main investor. Unlike what I thought at the beginning of this year, I have not invested money in ETFs. It is a world where I do not feel completely comfortable and that does not attract me. I'll leave it for next year. I have also slowed down the issue of Pokémon at the investment level. I have some graduated cards where I have spent up to about 1,000 euros speculating on an increase in value over 3-5 years.